Rachel Thompson

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Meet the Author - V Frank Asaro (The Tortoise Shell Code)

What’s your favorite place in the entire world? A deserted island in the south pacific. My girlfriend and I were there.

How has your upbringing influenced your writing? Traditions imported from the Old Country influenced how I grew up.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I read voraciously as a kid, sometimes with a flashlight under the covers after my mother put me to bed.

When and why did you begin writing? I wrote professionally as a lawyer. As an alternative, it was fun to get into a zone of peace and become enveloped in my stories and characters.

How long have you been writing? As a hobby about 35 years.

When did you first know you could be a writer? When I was a kid, I would make up ghost stories and the other kids around the campfire seemed captivated while I was trying to figure out the next twist in the plot I’d made up.

What inspires you to write and why? I want to get out the word on my theory on Universal Co-opetition, and its novelization in The Tortoise Shell Code.

What genre are you most comfortable writing? Philosophical novel – court room thriller.

Who or what influenced your writing once you began? I was urged to write the book by best-selling author Spencer Johnson, M.D. (Who Moved My Cheese, One Minute Manager). He’d read the 30-page outline.

What do you consider the most challenging about writing a novel, or about writing in general? Leaving some good parts on the cutting room floor in order to slim the book to commercial length.

Did writing this book teach you anything and what was it? The expanded knowledge makes me feel more complete. I am better able to annunciate on the political and economic issues facing us today.

Do you intend to make writing a career? A second career, yes.

Have you ever had writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it? Never had writer block…I have stull piled up in drawers just waiting to speak.

Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Legal Drama
Rating – PG13
More details about the author & the book
Connect with V Frank Asaro on GoodReads & Twitter


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